Though human's might say ‘only a droid’, Eggensotz seemed much more human than most metallic entities. He loved his peace and quiet, his alone time, and spending time out in nature. The one thing Eggensotz didn't like was children.
"Lord Mettic," he would often pray aloud to the god of non-biological beings. "Save me from the little humans!"
"I'm an old droid," Eggensotz had once explained to his new Stip masters. "My auditory functions are at an uncorrectable saturated state, which greatly exaggerates external sounds. Oddly, the disease is at a climax in the morning hours, dissipates a bit in the afternoons, and begins again to build in the evenings, starting at approximately 4:00." These times conveniently in keeping with young Fanzer's schooling schedule. "I agree it's a most bizarre affliction."
Eggensotz retired from servitude once Fanzer went off to college and is currently at large.